I made this cake at 2 am after I finished the cake for Bryan and Lindsay. It was for my Aunt Cristie. Bryan got married on his mom's Birthday, so we had to make a little something to mark the (other) occasion! Since I finished at 2 am, I did not take a picture. I just stumbled upstairs to my bed. I went to take pics the next morning, and DISASTER!!! Okay, not disaster, but disappointment. It was pretty perfect when I put it in the fridge...not so much when I took it out.
The cake and frosting are sugar free (or at least drastically reduced sugar) and the fondant on the outside is not. There must have been some chemical reaction between the two, because it was eating through the fondant! And the cakes were leaking some sort of carmel looking substance (the cake was all chocolate). I have never had that happen before! I was so embarrassed to take this.
It just got worse during the 2 hour car ride. I stuck it in the freezer when we got to the reception location, but it was too late. They did bring it out later that night, and my Aunt seemed to love it and as long as it made her feel special, that is what matters. (but I would have been happier if it was perfect...)
Anyway, Happy birthday, Aunt Cristie! I hope you had a great one, and that the cake tasted good!